17th June, 2018
I want to share about stretching hair using a blow dryer again because this is something taken so lightly, yet it is so costly. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO HELL FOR IT.
It is just a trick from satan and he is using it to trap Christians who know that perming hair is sinful and God hates it.
From the time God started giving Zipporah and I revelations, Satan has tried to kill us numerous times. I can’t even begin to recount the ways he’s been trying to do this, and this has been happening uncountable times but we are not intimidated and we will never back down because greater is He who is in us than the one who is in the world.
It has become part of our lives to know that satan wants to kill us but we are not afraid because he will never manage, only God has power to take our lives.
After I shared on Facebook about how God showed me that stretching hair by blow drying it was taking people to hell and that God said it is just like perm, satan was so angry because this is one way he was still trapping many children of God.
Days after I shared, he attacked me in the night and wanted to kill me but I rebuked him in the name of Jesus Christ and he fled.
Last night, around 2 A.M, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to wake up and pray, so I prayed then went back to bed.
God wanted to show me how angry satan is about the children of God who are giving up stretching hair by blowing.
Satan was desperately angry.
Immediately I got in bed, I heard a very angry voice and I knew it was satan. In the spirit you just become aware of things without anyone telling you.
God told me he was angry about people stopping blow and also about how the prayers which were in obedience to the Holy Spirit had destroyed his kingdom.
He was in form of a man and stood near my bed, he was talking to me in a very angry tone saying, “why did you wake up to pray?!!!Why did you wake up to pray?!!!! This time around am really going to kill you!!!”
Immediately, he transformed into a very powerful wind, blowing where I was sleeping.
It was so powerful and gave me a sensation of drowning.
I felt like someone would feel when drowning in water, only that this wasn’t water, but wind. It blew so strongly all around me and created something like a hollow in the center, going above me and covering me.
The wind made a loud noise, going whoooooooo woooooooooo woooooooooo! all around me and I started to hear a noise in my ears like ding ding ding ding.
I was literally “drowning’ in this demonic wind and I lifted my hand out of it,shouting,”Jesus!Jesus!”And when I called on Jesus it immediately ceased.
God wanted me to know how serious it is that satan doesn’t want people to know about stretching hair by blowing.
When the wind was gone, I thought to myself, “so Satan is really using blowing hair as a way of taking people to hell! We really need to tell people more about this.”
Then Satan came again, and he said to me, “okay, I won’t kill you. I want to give you money. How can I send it to you? I want to send the money to you from Kitwe (This is a city neighboring the town where I live), do you know anyone who ll be going to Kitwe soon so that they collect the money for you?”
He had transformed himself into a man again when he said this.
And I said,”be gone satana!I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ!” and he vanished.
Shortly,he came again and this time,he transformed himself into many people,journalists to be exact (am a journalist by profession).Satan transformed himself into many journalists and appeared again and said,”We are making you an offer,do you accept or not?”
They were all talking at the same time and saying the same word at the exact time.It wasn’t many people,it was just satan pretending to be many people and I knew this.
Immediately they said this,they vanished.
I was shocked at what I was seeing and all this time,I was just thinking to myself,”so blowing is really something being used to get Christians into hell and .Its serious,and it must be shared.”
And satan came back again,transformed into a brown dog!
This time his tone was different.He wasn’t trying to be persuasive in any way now,he was very angry and screamed,”don’t say anything!Don’t say anything!I ve given you an offer! Don’t say anything!”
He was offering me money in exchange for silence about warning people about how stretching hair by blowing will take them to hell!
I rebuked him in Jesus’ name and this time he went and didn’t come back.
God wanted to how me that satan wants to keep this truth from people,but God wants you to know the truth.
Stretching hair by perming it and stretching hair by blowing it are just two different methods of achieving the same thing.
The one who perms and the Christian who knows it’s wrong to perm yet uses a blow dryer to stretch their hair will go to the same hell.
Please read my previous post about blowing hair.
I have to tell you this truth that God told me because if I tell you half truths then am not doing any service for God.Because you will still end up in hell.
For me,it’s better to tell you the truth that will save you,than the lie that will comfort you to hell.
God wants our all or nothing.
One thing God has taught me is that if we have made up our minds to repent and follow Jesus Christ,we must be willing to lose ALL.
If we want to follow Jesus but are not willing to lose some things which God tells us to,then we are just wasting our time.Following Jesus Christ is a serious decision that involves reaching a point where we are willing to lose everything for the sake of Christ.
Phillipians 3:8 “Yea,doubtless, and I count ALL THINGS but loss for the execellency of the knowledge of Jesus my Lord;for whom I have suffered THE LOSS OF ALL THINGS and do count them but dung,that I may win Christ and be found in Him…………”
All Christians are called to a life where their life is an offering to God.
Mark 8:34,”Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.”:
Following Jesus actually involves complete death. Us dying, and Him living.Meaning, it doesn’t matter wether we love something or not or how much a part of our life it is, if Jesus says get rid of this, we should be willing to let it go because our life has been offered up to God. We do not live for ourselves, but we live for Jesus Christ.
This is why Jesus said anyone who holds on to their life will lose it, but anyone who lets it go will save it (JOHN 12:25).
Luke 9:62”And Jesus said unto him, no man having put his hand to the plough, and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.
We have to reach a point where no matter what it is that God tells us to do, we are willing to do it.
This is why Jesus compared the kingdom of God with a man who found a precious pearl. He went and sold ALL he had,just in order to get that pearl.Matthew 13:45
We too must be willing to give up anything just to get Jesus.
We however do not have power to die to self on our own,it is the work of the Holy Spirit.
This is why salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit.We need Him to bring us to that point where we are willing to let go of anything. And He will if we ask Him to and are willing to obey.
You have a role to play by being willing to obey, and by obeying because the more you obey,the more He will teach you and you will be perfected.
If we try to obey God in our own might and strength we will fail,that is why Jesus said it is the Spirit that quickens,the flesh profits nothing……….John 6:63
The first thing we must do if we want to be saved is to believe in Jesus Christ, and repent,turn from ALL OUR SIN.
ASK FOR THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.We need the Holy Spirit to overcome.If you do not have the Holy Spirit,you will not be able to overcome.You need the Holy Spirit.
This is why people will hear a warning from God and try to obey it for a day or two then go back to their sin,without the HOLY SPIRIT,it will just be a bunch of rules and you cannot overcome on your own,that is why Jesus Christ had to die sothat He does the work in you.
The Holy Spirit will help you overcome.
You can ask for the Holy Spirit even now,God is willing to give you and God is willing to save you.
Ask Him to save you.Even if you think it is impossible for you to be saved,just ask Jesus to save you,He will do it,you won’t even remember how come you are no longer struggling with obedience.
Jesus will do the work in you, yield yourself because today is the day of repentance.
Repent and become obedient to God.If you really want to be obedient God will help you to obey.
Jesus is mighty to save.
Develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by reading the bible ,praying, and fellowshipping with Him.That is the only way you will overcome.
Please refer to my previous articles on the importance of outward and inner holiness.

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