Satan’s Desperation to Get you in Hell By Zipporah Mushala

There was no physical way of knowing that he was not human as he looked human in every way. A thorough expose of demons in disguise

In the vision, the Lord showed me Satan. He was pretending to be human and walking in a certain street in a place called Kalingalinga in Lusaka here in my country.

There was no physical way of knowing that he was not human as he looked human in every way.

Demons in human disguise live among us PERMANENTLY and even pretend to have jobs and families and they WILL NOT disappear. Their mission is to pretend to be one hundred percent human and they will do everything just as humans do so that they can deceive real humans that they too are human so that they can influence you to sin.

They set trends of life and make sin appear normal. They will also pretend to ‘die’ but when they ‘die’, they simply come out of the human like bodies and go back to the spiritual realm to continue their work.

They can even come again in human form and pretend to have been born and they can even change depending on the mission they have come on. For example, if they were ‘male’ but after they ‘die’, they need to come back for another mission which requires them to be ‘female’, then they will be born a ‘baby girl’ and can even change race or nationality from how they came in human form the first time they came on earth.

There are different missions. Some live PERMANENTLY, while other demons on another mission will just come to earth in human disguise for a particular mission and then go back after they are done. So, the devil also does this. Since he is not omnipresent like God, when he comes to earth pretending to be human, he only comes for the specific time of his mission and then goes back to continue other mission when his mission in human like flesh is done.

But when he comes like that, he will pretend to be a real human being even with a National Registration Card. If you confront him and tell him to show you where he lives, he will show you and you may even find that he has a ‘family.’ They are demons pretending to be his family.

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There is a HUGE network of demons, some whom you have never come close to suspecting because you have grown up with them or known them for years as humans when they are in fact ‘humans.’ They all work together. Some will even claim to have been in the same class with him, just to make it seem as if he is really human and will even produce ‘photos’ which they had long ago prepared.

There is GREAT DEEP DECEPTION which only the Lord Jesus Christ is able to reveal and convince you whom He is showing this.

Satan is beyond desperate to catch humans in his net and drag them to hell. Hell is beyond your human mind can comprehend.

So the Lord showed him to me and he was walking on one of the streets. He was looking like a fat drunkard. His eyes were blood shot from drinking and he was dressed like a poor man. One of his shirt buttons was even unbuttoned and he was walking with a beer bottle in his hand and just wearing flip flops. This ‘man’ looked dirty, like he hadn’t bathed in days. You would think it was just a drunkard but it was Satan! He had come on a mission that required his physical presence in human disguise here on earth. I would have been 100% deceived that he was just another drunkard if the Lord had not told me!

The devil and his demons are doing so many activities but want to remain hidden and be in the background when they are actually even living among us pretending to be human. That’s why they carry masses to hell because they influence humans directly while pretending to be human themselves!

For biblical reference on this topic please refer to our other post titled THE MYSTERY OF DEMONS IN HUMAN FLESH.

They are only known when the Lord tells you or shows you that they are demons as they leave no physical trace of their demonness. They are more than real humans in number and they promote make up, secular television, secular music, demonic haircuts like Mohawks, dirty talk, living a double life, taking the Lord’s name in vain etc. But now the Lord is exposing them.

Real humans are following these trends that they are setting.

The Lord had told us at the beginning that these demons in human disguise are more in number than real human beings but we did not relate until He started showing them to us.

Its a spiritual gift and we can differentiate between a real human being and a demon in human disguise. The Lord has also allowed many people around the world to know them, using different ways.

The Lord allows us to see who they really are and they are in different forms. Huge Serpents, animal like, bird like, crocodile like , fish like, chicken like etc. Scary looking creatures. But Physically, maybe looking like a sweet 6 year old, a teenager, an old man, someone Motherly etc. They even pretend to be kind. They behave exactly like real human beings.

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They sell in shops, sell on the street, teach at School, cast news, practice politics, are doctors in hospitals, lawyers,fishermen,farmers, Presidents, maids etc. And from all races. They are actually born among us so they are from the young to the old. They are everything humans are because they are aiming at making humans sin.

They are EVERYWHERE and from all nationalities and races world wide. They are not rare to come across but are EXTREMELY widespread. You encounter them EVERYDAY but you just don’t know that they are demons. When you look at them, you will think they are your fellow human beings and will even pretend to be your friends. You work with them, congregate with them, some are among your neighbours, your prayer groups etc.

Personally, some are among my neighbours right now. The Lord shoed them to me. They are among yours too, only that you think they are your fellow humans. They are extremely MANY. Out of a random selection of 10 people, 6 out of 10 are demons in human disguise. They are a good majority on our friend lists on Facebook and literally everywhere.

Even on this same post, some of them will comment against or for depending on what role they are playing. But know that even when pretending to be for God, demons WILL always lead you to sin.

Hell is not a good place. Nothing that you are holding on to right now is worth it. Ask the Lord to baptise you with His Holy Spirit and to help you to overcome. I plead with you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to completely follow Jesus He has wide open arms . I have been shown hell and its a place when you are there that even the existence of earth seems like a mere story. There is untold torment and suffering fit on for the devil and his demons and not for flesh.

Even on this same post, some of them will comment, “Let God expose them! ” In a bid to pretend to be human.

Many have sent pictures of people and we have been able to identify those among them who are not human but demons.

When the Lord reveals those who we thought were human but are actually demons, they even come to attack us during prayer or at night! They even laugh sarcastically!!! After one was exposed, it even came in a dream laughing saying and fooling saying, “So you didn’t know that am a demon! Why do you think I befriended you!! Hahahahhahahaha! ” Meaning that it had befriended me for a mission.

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Physically some still try to pretend to be normal while others start behaving as if we had a physical confrontation with them and we are enemies when it is all spiritual! They even start attacking physically using things like Secular music. They will play loud secular music in a bid to defile us. They also start to manifest after prayer and get extremely angry when there had never been a physical confrontation!

They take up different missions and some will even pretend to Pastors but will be in one way or another misleading people.

They even pretend to have dreams about the future, what they want to achieve in life etc , they also pretend to prophesy but its because they are spirits that they do this, others give fake testimonies of how God healed them or answered their prayers or showed them this or that. They even pretend to be scared of death just to pretend to be human, some pretend to enemies but they are spiritually working together.

Those who are ‘female’ wear seductive clothes, depending on the role they are playing.

When two demons in human form meet on the road, they will even pass each other without talking to each other, pretending to be ‘people’ who don’t know each other just like real humans do.

Nothing that happens happens without the Lord allowing it to happen but the Lord allowed them to exist among us so that our faith can be tested. He wants to fully choose Him personally and not as a forcing matter. Its also written that the Lord will not give us something beyond what we are able to endure.

We need to pray so that we are not deceived by them and so that we do not fall into their traps.

1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant,because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring Lion seeking whom to devour. ”


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The Lord Jesus Christ has shown Zipporah and i alot…
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