990 Years In The Kingdom Of Darkness By Evangelist Olufunmilayo-Series 5
This is the continuation of series 4 confessions of 990 years in kingdom of darkness and the last series 5…
Face To Face With Jesus
This is the continuation of series 4 confessions of 990 years in kingdom of darkness and the last series 5…
My Encounter With Lucifer And Victory In Jesus By Augusto Maquengo — Series 5 This confession is the 5th and concluding…
Yoruba Confession by Pastor Fumilayo part 3
This testimony is the 2nd part in a series of thirteen volumes (13). To fully benefit from it, you need…
Confession And Deliverance From The Church Of Satan Cult By Brother Steven Kofi A young man identified as Steven Kofi…
I greet everyone in the name of Jesus Christ. My dear brethren. this is the continuation of the testimony I…
CHIDUBEM OKWU: CONFESSION OF AN OCCULTIC PASTOR Dear brethren and dear friends, we want to share with…
Claire Andoun Atongo is a former prostitute who has become a new creation in Christ. She says the Lord has…
The Lord Jesus Christ showed me the wickedness that is in the world. He said, “Whatever I tell you, tell…
My Encounter With Lucifer And Victory In Jesus By Augusto Maquengo — Series One This confession is the 1st part in…