My True Life Encounter With Horrible Scene Of Hell.

divine revelation of Heaven and Hell of a beloved Sister in the Lord from Ecuador Angelica Elizabeth Zambrano. Her divine revelation from our lord Jesus Christ had spread widely and global through out the whole world and across the internet. Moreover, this great divine revelation from this young lady actually leads me to Christ. yeah !

I remember vividly when i use to worship at my former church, not knowing the consequence of living a sinful life, until i stumble upon her divine revelation about heaven and hell in the middle of year 2011 that change my spiritual life. It was a wondrous, unforgettably and faithful day in my life. During that year, I happen to be in search of a job because i was mysteriously laid-off from my previous place of work with couple of my co-workers at that year by the organization.
My Encounter With Christ Through Divine Revelation Of Angelica
At that period, I was not born again, but i do go to church and attends church activities. But never knew the implication of committing and living in sinful life. As i said, was really in needs of urgent employment. So a friend of mine directed me to a certain organization for employment. On getting there, I observe it was a wrong place. So i decided to stroll and hang around, asking question for any possibilities for employment, Until i decide to take my leave back home. On getting to the bus-stop within the vicinity. My eyes capture a particular news magazine with  headlines,
  • Prepare To Meet Your God;
  • 23 hours in Hell; 
  • Pope John Paul II  in Hell Fire;
  • Micheal Jackson in Hell fire; all by Angelica Elizabeth Zambrano.
I was like WHOA; WHAT !!!., What thou heck, Pope in Hell, along with M.J-my favorite celebrity; The indisputable king of hip-pop. How am i going to buy this magazine now, a jobless dude without much cash at hand?
So i decided to type and save the headlines title to my phone. It was about two days later when i decided to Google through my mobile phone. I really shed tears on that day, when i read about the horror, torments ,danger of hell fire and consequence of sin. As since then, the Almighty God had really been faithful and marvelous upon me.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ upon me can’t be measured because the kind of life i once exhibit was not good or proud to write about. Even though, after all this years in Christ, have witness and comes across so many challenges, trials, persecution, difficulties and temptations. Above all, the Lord had been so merciful and gracious upon me, including my families and brethren who are also a sojourner to this celestial city of the Lord.
Hence, have also read so many series of divine revelations and testimonies of heaven and hell. Those which are highly merciful by the lord, in showing them the mystery of hell fire and the divine Glory of heaven. though many believes on this revelation while some doubts but God can’t not lie neither can he change his standard. i have read so many false divine revelation and testimonies of heaven and hell. But if you are a true Christian, Born again or do hear the sermon at the altar, You wouldn’t be deceived but rather able to differentiate between false revelations and true ones.
Moreover, when i was into worldliness, living carelessly. I knew much about the scripture interpretation but never understand reason why i kept luring back into backsliding. I believe that, Heaven and Hell was real but never knew what its looks , feels, taste and experience was like. At that period, if i heard preaching of any pastor, that contradict to the reality words of God. I always perceive because i was brought-up in “The Apostolic Church” and nurture by a devoted mother who was rooted in God’s principles. A strict mother who doesn’t joke with prayer and church activities.
Though, you might be attending church activities for decades of years but still struggling with  sin or falling and rising in faith and backslide severally. My beloved, you knew yourself, i was once like you until the day i encounter horrible scene of Hell. When ever you come across any false or true testimony, the spirit of the Lord will lead you to discern it source, unless you are not following or not reading your bible. Hope am making sense here?
Therefore when you read any divine revelation or testimonies of heaven and hell. Please try to check through your Bible for confirmation. Bible is the world oldest,  most read and popular book on the planet and if you don’t have any, consider getting one today. If you didn’t understand any chapter or verse, you can easily go back to previous chapter or verse and read it slowly, don’t rush, take your time and also ask question from those whom had much knowledge of the words of God for better clarification. Please share with us your encounter with Christ on the comment section and how got arrested; let other learn because whosoever is in Christ is a new creation and it worth all the odds.
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