Divine Revelations of Claire Andoun from Cameroon

Claire Andoun Atongo is a former prostitute who has become a new creation in Christ. She says the Lord has been speaking to her about the dirtiness in His Church (I urge you to watch her other video here). He’s been showing her that there is a strange power that has come into the church, because this unclean spirit has been invited in by the women of God.  And the pastors will not preach against it.  This strange power is the Queen of the Coast, who leads the sisters in the Church to dress immodestly.

She said, “The Lord is angry about the way women of the last days are dressing.  They are dressed like the world.  They don’t know the difference between a child of God and non-believer, and no pastor is talking about it.  That’s why the Lord is sending me to warn women of the last days. This message is not for everybody. This message is for people, who are really determined to make heaven.”
She had a prophetic dream, in which the Lord said, “My Church is dirty!”  Also see it here.
I have spoken with a godly brother, named Yves Nahishakiye, who knows sister Claire well, and knew her before she came to Christ.  He vouched for her godly character.  I have also spoken with Claire myself on a number of occasions and prayed with her.  I have heard her share her salvation testimony, as well as her testimonies of revelations the Lord has given her. [Note: During the three years since this article was first posted, I have gotten to know her better and we have become friends]. I am convinced she is a genuine woman of God, who seeks with all her heart to please the Lord.

The Lord Jesus Christ showed me the wickedness that is…
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