366 Evil Names You Probably Shouldn’t Name Your Baby

366 Evil Names You Probably Shouldn’t Name Your Baby
Demonic  Names
Not all names are good names. Some names are evil names. This is a collection of names that have been considered evil by one culture or another around the world. Some of these evil names are straight up demonic!

  1. Abaddon


  1. Abigor


  1. Absinthe


  1. Adramelech


  1. Adrastea


  1. Adrian


  1. Aguares


  1. Ague


  1. Akantha


  1. Akeldama


  1. Akop


  1. Alessandro


  1. Alfred


  1. Alocer


  1. Alumit


  1. Amanda


  1. Ambrogio


  1. Ambrosia


  1. Amduscas


  1. Amethyst


  1. Andras


  1. Angul


  1. Annabel Lee


  1. Annie


  1. Apepi


  1. Apophis


  1. Arachne


  1. Ardat Lili


  1. Arnoldo


  1. Ash


  1. Asmodeus


  1. Astarte


  1. Atieno


  1. Autumn


  1. Avarice


  1. Aym


  1. Ayperos


  1. Azazel


  1. Azidahaka


  1. Azrael


  1. Baal


  1. Baalberith


  1. Bakarne


  1. Balan


  1. Baldassare


  1. Baldovino


  1. Balor


  1. Banshee


  1. Bates


  1. Batibat


  1. Bearded


  1. Beast


  1. Beelzebub


  1. Bela


  1. Belial


  1. Belinda


  1. Bella


  1. Belladonna


  1. Belphegor


  1. Bertoldo


  1. Blade


  1. Blair


  1. Bonaventura


  1. Bones


  1. Bonifacio


  1. Bram


  1. Brandeis


  1. Branwen


  1. Briar


  1. Bronwen


  1. Buer


  1. Buffy


  1. Bumalin


  1. Callidora


  1. Callie


  1. Carman


  1. Carrie


  1. Casper


  1. Caym


  1. Cerberus


  1. Chalice


  1. Chaos


  1. Charon


  1. Chax


  1. Chemosit


  1. Chernobog


  1. Chimera


  1. Chrysanthemum


  1. Chu Kwai


  1. Chucky


  1. Ciarda


  1. Circe


  1. Cirino


  1. Clarice


  1. Clemente
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  1. Clove


  1. Cody


  1. Congo Zandor


  1. Cresil


  1. Crimson


  1. Crow


  1. Crowe


  1. Cruella


  1. Daemon


  1. Dagon


  1. Damien


  1. Daray


  1. Dario


  1. Deber


  1. Delora


  1. Desdemona


  1. Despoina


  1. Diti


  1. Dolores


  1. Domenico


  1. Draco


  1. Draconia


  1. Dracula


  1. Draven


  1. Eblis


  1. Ebony


  1. Edgar


  1. Edmondo


  1. Edoardo


  1. Egidio


  1. Eilif


  1. Elathan


  1. Eligio


  1. Eliodoro


  1. Elsinore


  1. Elvira


  1. Emilio


  1. Empusa


  1. Er Mo


  1. Erebus


  1. Ermanno


  1. Esmerée


  1. Ettore


  1. Eulalie


  1. Eurynomus


  1. Eva


  1. Faramundo


  1. Fino


  1. Foxglove


  1. Freddy


  1. Freya


  1. Funereal


  1. Furfur


  1. Gabriel


  1. Gaspare


  1. Gehenna


  1. Geryon


  1. Golgotha


  1. Gomez


  1. Gorgon


  1. Grand Bois


  1. Gregario


  1. Grendel


  1. Griffin


  1. Grimoire


  1. Griselda


  1. Gualtiero


  1. Guaricana


  1. Hades


  1. Hadria


  1. Hagatha


  1. Hannah


  1. Hannibal


  1. Hantu Kopek


  1. Hatu-Atu-Topun


  1. Hecate


  1. Hellebore


  1. Hemlock


  1. Herensugue


  1. Hitchcock


  1. Ibwa


  1. Iezabel


  1. Igor


  1. Ikwaokinyapippilele


  1. Ingrum


  1. Inmai


  1. Irvene


  1. Isolde


  1. Israfel


  1. Itzcoliuhqui


  1. Ivy


  1. Jack


  1. Jahi


  1. Jason


  1. Jezebel


  1. Jezebeth


  1. Jilaiya


  1. Karau


  1. Karayan


  1. Kasdeya


  1. Kendra


  1. Keron-Kenken


  1. Kharis


  1. Kobal


  1. Kok-Lir


  1. Kora


  1. Lamia


  1. Leanan Sidhe


  1. Leandro


  1. Lebara


  1. Leila


  1. Leonard


  1. Leviathan


  1. Lilith


  1. Lilitu


  1. Lily


  1. Lima


  1. Lolita


  1. Lovecraft


  1. Lucifer


  1. Luna


  1. Maia


  1. Maleficent


  1. Malik


  1. Mammon


  1. Manuval


  1. Mara


  1. Marco


  1. Massimo


  1. Mastema


  1. Medusa


  1. Melancholia


  1. Melanie


  1. Melchom


  1. Mephistopheles


  1. Merihim


  1. Merula


  1. Michael


  1. Midnight


  1. Moko-Titi


  1. Moloch


  1. Moon


  1. Morte


  1. Morticia


  1. Mullin


  1. Murmur


  1. Mush


  1. Naburus


  1. Narcissa


  1. Narkissa


  1. Natassa


  1. Nephilim


  1. Nergal


  1. Nerine


  1. Nerio


  1. Nightshade


  1. Nimue


  1. Nin


  1. Nocturne


  1. Noire


  1. Norman


  1. November


  1. Nunzio


  1. Nybras


  1. Nysrogh


  1. Nyx


  1. October


  1. Oleander


  1. Olisha


  1. Ophelia


  1. Orazio


  1. Orchid


  1. Orfeo


  1. Orias


  1. Oroan


  1. Orthon


  1. Orusula


  1. Palden Lhamo


  1. Paymon


  1. Pazuzu


  1. Pellegrino


  1. Perdita


  1. Philotanus


  1. Pitkis


  1. Po-Tangotango


  1. Poe


  1. Polona


  1. Ponzio


  1. Proserpine


  1. Pugsley


  1. Pyro


  1. Qanel


  1. Rasputin


  1. Raul


  1. Raum


  1. Ravana


  1. Raven


  1. Regan


  1. Rimmon


  1. Rodolfo


  1. Romero


  1. Ronwe


  1. Rosemary


  1. Ruby


  1. Rue


  1. Sabrina


  1. Sage


  1. Sakarabru


  1. Salem


  1. Samael


  1. Samara


  1. Samhain


  1. Sansone


  1. Satanael


  1. Selene


  1. Semele


  1. Semiazas


  1. Serena


  1. Set


  1. Shabriri


  1. Shade


  1. Shadow


  1. Silvano


  1. Sonneillon


  1. Spike


  1. Storm


  1. Succorbenoth


  1. Succubi


  1. Succubus


  1. Sullen


  1. Tabitha


  1. Tacito


  1. Tando Ashanti


  1. Tezcatl poca


  1. Thamuz


  1. Thana


  1. Thorn


  1. Thorne


  1. Thyia


  1. Thyone


  1. Tim


  1. Titania


  1. Tlacatecolototl


  1. Tristan


  1. Troian


  1. Twilight


  1. Ukobach


  1. Umfredo


  1. Uphir


  1. Ursula


  1. Valafar


  1. Verin


  1. Vetis


  1. Vlad


  1. Vladimir


  1. Vritra


  1. Wednesday


  1. Wele Gumali


  1. Willow


  1. Winter


  1. Wolfe


  1. Xa-Mul


  1. Xaphan


  1. Xic


  1. Yalocan Tumulu


  1. Yamaraja


  1. Yuki-Onna


  1. Zaebos


  1. Zagam


  1. Zillah


  1. Zozo

God is concerned about names. Some human problems are tied to the names they bear. A born again Christian who bears a cursed name” would have unexplainable problems. Many Christians are now discovering how the meanings of their vernacular or other names speak plainly through their daily life experiences.
When genuine Christian bears names which glorify the devil, or suggest evil or misfortune, they do themselves a great harm by retaining such names. For christains whose names specially imply evil, a bold step should be taken to change such names: however, to make the change of any name spiritually effective, we must destroy the power and the effect of the former name through prophetic praying and prayers of deliverance.
1chr 4:9-10 “And Jabez was more honorable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, because I bare him with sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.
Gen 17:5-6 “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I have made thee. And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nation of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.”
Gen 32:24-30″And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of Joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, let me go for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

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